Source article on RDS sharding by Amazon. What is sharding? Here unlike ec2 instances there is no rds-db-instance-id instead we use the db-instance names (called as dbinstance_identifiers) in our rds commmands to identify among rds-db-instances.
Read moreIf your app gets to the point that you need to start scaling either up or out, it is a good idea to switch to multi-AZ if you don’t run it already.
Read moreInstalling ELB and Autoscale API tools export AWS_ELB_HOME=/home/users/unni/bashrc/elbtool/ElasticLoadBalancing- export PATH=$PATH:$AWS_ELB_HOME/bin export AWS_AUTO_SCALING_HOME=/home/users/unni/bashrc/auto/AutoScaling- export PATH=$PATH:$AWS_AUTO_SCALING_HOME/bin AUTOSCALING Create AS, Create AS Group and Setup Scaleup Parameter.
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